Under the Australian national Covid-19 vaccination policy, workers in the meat processing industry are included among the critical and high-risk priority groups eligible for vaccination in ‘Phase 1b’ of the national vaccine rollout, alongside defence, police, fire and emergency services personnel. Vaccinations for this priority group commenced in March 2021.
Inclusion of meat processing workers in Phase 1b follows intensive work and advocacy from the Australian Meat Industry Council (AMIC), following a number of outbreaks in meat processing facilities across the world and a strong correlation between meat processing plants and local community transmission of COVID-19. In Australia, several facilities have been affected by the spread of the virus, leading to significant economic and reputational impacts on Australia’s valued meat processing industry.
Meat processing facilities across the country have successfully implemented a series of control measures to ensure their workplaces are COVID safe including physical distancing, cleaning and good hygiene. As the vaccination program rolls out, facilities are expected to continue to these measures to manage work health and safety risks and keep workplaces COVID-19 free.
AMPC and AMIC will continue to work with industry stakeholders, health authorities and expert advisers at Respond Global to develop a plan for the industry and establish best practice guidelines for the vaccination process and a work safe environment. These efforts will help mitigate health risks for meat processing workers, and contribute to a robust supply chain and sustainability of the sector.
COVID-19 Vaccine
The Australian Government is committed to providing all Australians with access to free, safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines. The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is responsible for assessing all COVID-19 vaccines before they can be used in Australia. At this stage, four COVID-19 vaccinations have been approved. The TGA will continue to monitor any vaccines available in Australia, and has procedures in place to investigate any safety issues based on medical data and evidence. AMIC and AMPC will continue to provide updates on health and safety issues as they relate to the industry.
While government aims to have as many Australians as possible vaccinated, receiving a vaccination is not mandatory. As employers in the priority, high-risk meat processing sector, employers and managers can encourage workers to get a COVID-19 vaccination to protect themselves, their work colleagues and their community.
Further information can be found on the following sites:
As operational responsibility for the rollout lies with the states and local health authorities, regular updates can be found here:
Northern Territory: https://coronavirus.nt.gov.au/stay-safe/vaccinations
South Australia: https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/conditions/infectious+diseases/covid-19/covid-19
Tasmania: https://www.health.tas.gov.au/publichealth/communicable_diseases_prevention_unit/immunisation
Victoria: https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/vaccine
Western Australia: https://www.healthywa.wa.gov.au/Articles/A_E/Coronavirus/COVID19-vaccine/
You can click here for industry specific guidance information and answers to frequently asked questions, or download the posters below:
Covid Journey and Symptoms
Safe Activities