The structure of Australia’s red meat industry is under review and your views as industry members are sought before submissions close at 5:00pm AEDT Friday 14 March 2019.
The review is being conducted by the Red Meat Advisory Council (RMAC) under the stewardship of an industry taskforce led by Jim Varghase AM. Our congratulations go to RMAC, the RMI Taskforce, its chair and secretariat, for their hard work in pulling this consultative work together.
AMPC participated in the initial rounds of industry consultation, represented by both our chair, John Berry, and CEO, Peter Rizzo. This consultation process helped to form the basis of the review Green Paper, which was recently released and is available to download online at:
The Green Paper:
In response to initial industry consultation, the Green Paper poses four different options for the future structure of the Australian red meat industry:
The four options, with an analysis of their pros and cons, are laid out for consideration in the Green Paper, and are based on the feedback received from stakeholders during the initial consultation period. However, the Taskforce notes that the ultimate model for change, if warranted, may involve elements of the four options or a different approach altogether.
As a contributor and vital part of your red meat industry, it is strongly encouraged that your views are heard by sending submissions to or directly to us at before Friday 14 March 2019.