Over the next coming weeks, EY will be releasing a series of issues/findings papers based on their independent review into the proposed $150m installation of Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) technology across AUS-MEAT registered processing plants; referred to as Project 150.
The purpose of these releases is to communicate the current understanding based on the research and stakeholder consultations conducted. More importantly, it also serves to elicit a point of view from the wider industry on Project 150 and its associated implications. The aim is to engage with the broader industry such that there is depth and breadth of views in the final report. For input please contact the DEXA Independent Review team at dexa.independent.review@au.ey.com
This issues paper summarises the current understanding of Project 150 and seeks to further explore several questions that has surfaced as part of the current analysis thus far. Thoughts and feedback from the wider industry with regard to these questions are encouraged to add to the richness of the overall review.
To download this first issues paper click here.